Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Purple Iris

     As I prepared to move out of my home this spring purple irises bloomed in my garden.  In all the nine years living there, I had never seen this flower bloom.  It felt like a farewell blessing from the garden.  I enjoyed viewing it outside for a day in all its vibrancy and then brought it inside for a photo shoot at dusk.  I was mesmerized by the depths of its color with out the sun shining threw its petals.  These flowers would be a foreshadowing of a blossoming of my own creativity in this very home where I had felt so dead for all those years (more to come).


Symbolism of the Iris
“Among the duties of the Greek Goddess Iris was that of leading the souls of dead women to the Elysian Fields. In token of that faith the Greeks planted purple Iris on the graves of women. Iris was the messenger of the gods and the personification of the Rainbow. The Greek symbolism for the iris comes down to us by word of mouth in the form of a myth that was old in Homer's day.”

“The flower symbolism associated with the iris is faith, wisdom, cherished friendship, hope, valor, my compliments, promise in love, wisdom. Irises were used in Mary Gardens. The blade-shaped foliage denotes the sorrows which 'pierced her heart.”

“Iris is unique among all the flowers in the world. It has the best symbolic flower meanings among all flowers, and it symbolizes trust. Iris has a mythical significance as well. Iris, the messenger of Hera, was bowled over by the beauty and colors of iris and gave it its present name. The messenger was actually hailed by the people of the world for bringing the rainbow on the sky. This was because she connected the world of humans to the world of temples of the heavenly gods. The use of iris to express feelings has become rare, but it is still apt for expressing trust.
The iris flower meanings portray the importance of someone's friendship. The iris flower meanings hail the glory of truth, friendship and trust. Now, you know the best gift for Friendship day is to let your dearest friend know with a bunch of iris, how much he/she means to you. Faith is an important pillar in our life. Faith in the Almighty as well as your dear ones is best captured by iris. Tell your partner that you have complete faith in him/her by giving an iris. This would indeed be an appreciating gesture.”
this image came from HERE

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