Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Walk in the River for Dad


Last Saturday I entered the river again for my dad.  I brought with me the healing wand I had made for him from stuff found in the river.  Felt important to bring it back to the river for a kind of blessing now that it was all put together.  ( To see first walk in river for my dad go HERE )

Sun setting so blinding right at my eye level that I am forced to look down as I walk.  The shadows of the rock and sand became entrancing and I enter an altered state.
Turning around and then following my own shadow I am reminded that I walk with my own self as well as rock and sand.  There are times when the sun is like this that shadows become my friends in this river.  It is in this kind of light that I first spotted Mr. Red in my shadow and on this Saturday I discovered a few new “shadow selves,” different aspects of the ancient goddess.  Makes me wonder if that is how my ancestors so long ago came across her?  It is the love for the earth goddess that I feel I inherited from my father, so not a surprise that she showed up today. 
“Yes, I remember you.  Thank you for revealing your Self to me.” 
I say this to her that is also me and my father from which I come.

I could feel in my walking that I am also preparing for when my father does pass over, I am learning how to connect with him in a new way that is beyond body and time.  And this is my true father and I am grateful for this river revelation.

Bird Goddess from Mano Sipowicz on Vimeo.