Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free Your Body Folsom Style

For photos of the Folsom Street Fair you just have to Google it or follow this LINK  It was a photographers paradise of exhibitionists.  This video is my pg version.

I have to say not knowing anything about the political or spiritual culture of s&m, being clothed and dancing in what i would call a somatic sensation based style in contrast to what i was seeing around me... i started to feel like my expression in some ways was more threatening to some of the observers.  Even though i was clothed i felt exposed and with out a costume compared to those completely naked.  I understand this was totally my experience and i did not ask any of the naked ones if they felt like they were wearing a costume, was this their authentic self?
I found myself appreciating the art of s&m as a perfectly beautiful expression of the spirits sometimes felt experience of being in body as imprisonment.  And i can understand the desire to fully express that to its extreme.