Sunday, January 9, 2011

i have been enjoying shuffling my photos into different arrangemts to see the different stories that apear

I have just submitted these two to a juried show at a local gallery.  Right now it all feels very exciting, i'm sure if it doesn't get in it wont be as much fun any more.  I'll learn.


Sent with it a statement from Mr. Red:

“You can walk in that arroyo every day for months and only see dusty grey rocks, discarded plastic bottles, smell the stench of septic tanks buried too shallow, shards of broken glass; I became that, thought I was also worthless stench, I’ve learned how to hide in the shadow of the smallest rock became so still and quite I thought I was a stone, forgot I was even human.
Until, I started seeing this woman walking through the arroyo with eyes open as her heart, I couldn’t help but follow her... I saw her, dancen’ there with some friends; they had painted themselves red, red like me!  Why would they make themselves look like that?  And they were celebraten’, the color red, and laughen’, laughing so hard I saw tears splash from their eyes! 
She wasn’t afraid.  She caught sight of my shadow and wouldn’t let go, followed it like it was leading her to a treasure of gold.
And then it rains, and as each drop hits a rock more of that rocks brilliant color is revealed, each rock unlike any other.
She is my rain
Together we are a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”

This is the one i used at an open call exhibit for artists working on themes to do with water and the Santa Fe River.  To see more about that event you can go HERE 

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